22 August 2006

First full day of class

Well I finally made it through a full day of vet school, without crazy murderers running around.
The day started off bright and early (okay, 9:30) arriving on campus to once again find no parking spaces. How annoying. Vindication came only slightly when I saw that about 40 or so orange VT parking tickets littered the windshields of the Resident pass holders. That'll teach 'em!
Today we had Biochem and Histology. I'm a little nervous about biochem only because I had a lot of difficulty with it last semester as an undergrad. However, with Dr. Eng teaching, I think it will go a lot more smoothly! Histology I'm rather excited about- being the nerd I am, I'm actually excited about learning a skill completely foreign to me as of now.
Following lectures, I had a three hour break for lunch, because my lab didn't start until 3. Tomorrow I'll have it at 1 and be done at 3, and Thursday I'll have one lab at 1 and another at 3. As you can see, our schedules aren't very consistent. Anyway, it was nice to come home and relax a little, and I was able to take Tahlia on a nice long walk. She hasn't been out much since her spay 10 days ago- her incision is just now starting to really heal. So she enjoyed it greatly, chasing the butterflies and smelling every mailbox along Sandy Circle and Walls Branch. Goofy kid.
Following our break, Katie and I headed back to VMRCVM for our three oclock lab. Being the nerds we are, we were secretly thrilled once again at putting on our white lab coats :) Then we spent the next two hours learning every bump, angle, ridge, foramen, and tuberosity on various bones- or at least attempting to. Katie is one of my dissection partners, along with Sarah whom I met today for the first time. It should be a good semester as we're all pretty willing to venture guesses and admit our mistakes. I'm actually quite excited!
Okay, off to do some studying and prepare for day 3 of vet school!

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