27 August 2006

5 days down, 1349 to go

I don't know why I torture myself, I really don't. A member of the class of 2009 had a countdown to their graduation going so I thought... sure, why not have a giggle and see what it is for 2010. How utterly depressing... see for yourself at:

Countdown To VMRCVM Class of 2010 Graduation

Anyway, week 1 went pretty well. Glad its under our belts and we can move on.
On Thursday we began our dog dissections... and they let us play with scapels. You know we all had mad-surgeon fantasies with our gloves and dissection kits open! Anyway, our dog is Gooey- her name comes from the fact that she is, well, gooey. She's a black shepherd mix who will be with us all semester. We didn't do very much on Thursday except begin our basic dissections and locate external features. I think Gooey will become one of our closet friends in the coming months!

This weeked I spent relaxing. Friday, Heather and I went to the dog park with Tahlia and Oakland. We had to wait for the silly C'burg High School Cross Country team to finish practicing, but the kids waited patiently on leash until they left. By that point, about 15 dogs were running around the park. This is only the second time Tahlia's been here, so I was a little nervous, but no need- she immediately forgot about me and ran around like a crazy puppy. She found the little section of the Duck Pond and immediately dove in. While every other dog would hop in for a moment and then run out, my little water retriever refused to get out. About 25 minutes or so later, she was bouncing around in the water with a boxer puppy when she let out a loud YELP. Then she comes slinking out of the water, non-weight bearing on her left rear leg, it just kind of flopping behind her. Greattttttttttttttttttttttttt. Instead of panicing, I palpated her leg and checked her range of motion- her response was only to lick my hand and wag her tail. A young guy who had been there awhile came over to check on her, and couldn't see anything visibly wrong either- except that her leg was still floppy. No worries, despite the near heart attack on my part, Tahlia rolled on the ground for a minute or two, then bounded up and ran away like nothing had happened. Jeez. At least she's okay- although smelled pretty darned awful!

Saturday, Sara came down to play. She helped me put my new bed together, then we had a classic undergrad-esque night of O'Charlies and some TV. Unfortunately, we're now old people and we were asleep by 11:45. Hahaha. Up early this morning, we went out for breakfast and then watched some more TV. i tried to do as little as possible until this afternoon, because I know my weekends will be getting progressively more stressful. Might as well enjoy it while I can!

Anyway, tomorrow is a pretty light day! Anatomy at 10 and Physio at 11... and thats it. I have to come back for a SCAVMA meeting (student chapter of the american veterinary medical association) that's pretty much mandatory at 5, but until then I'm free!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Two of my favorite pictures that my dad took when Tahlia was just a baby! Man, she used to be so cute!

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