06 September 2008

End of week 2

Ah well, week two is done. And I have to say, third year still beats second year by a long run. Poor second years had their first midterm this morning, while I went to school at 1pm and don't have my first test for another 10 days.

Well, I guess I should technically say my second test. Yesterday we had our Surgery Pre-Test before beginning our surgeries. Without saying too much and violating the honor code, I'll just say that it was a pass/fail test where we had to demonstrate various surgical (sutures, instruments, etc) and surgical preparation skills (scrubbing, gowning) in order to perform our spay surgeries beginning next week. While we were all nervous as hell, it went well and without any major trauma. Definitely thankful it's all over though! And now on to surgery... fortunately for my group not for another few weeks.

We have our senior schedule meeting on Monday to determine next year. So in three days I'll know where I'll be until May 2010. The way scheduling works is they print off pre-determined rotations for each person within each track (small animal, food animal, equine, mixed, public/corporate) and then we simply pick one out of the pile. Very scientific. Since I'm a small animal tracker, most of my rotations will be in the hospital with two electives. I'm not sure yet how we're allowed to schedule our external blocks but hopefully that will be cleared up on Monday and I can get to work on that. I'd like to spend my electives at different oncology centers to help get an idea of maybe where to apply for internships.

Other big news... tomorrow kicks off the first home game of my seventh season as a Hokie! Last weekends game against ECU didn't go so hot... so let's all hope we can beat Furman tomorrow (or as my friend called it... our debut against St. Mary's School for Girls). So bring it on, TS Hanna- it's time for HOKIE FOOTBALL!



Deb, Dave and all the Critters said...

Welcome back Lauren. It's good to see you posting again. Your gonna love 3rd year. Tiring, but this is the year you get to start being hands on.

Unknown said...

Hi Lauren,

GO HOKIES! (My lanyard is looking very used, but I love it so much :D)