18 September 2006

Two tests down, 197 to go.

I don't know if it's really 197, but I'm sure it's a lot.
So as of 4:00 today, I am finally done with my first physiology and anatomy tests. Both went well, I think. Anatomy was tough, but I studied for more hours than other final before now, and I think I knew most of the answers. The practical portion I thought was fairly easy, but the written section was a little tricky! We'll see soon enough how it went :)
the rest of the week is FINALLY a bit slower. Tonight the second years are hosting the first years at PKs downtown. Then the rest of the week will hopefully consist of catching up on all the work I fell behind on last week, and preparing for the Grey's Anatomy premiere on Thursday. You can see where my priorities are! It should be fun though, we're having a bunch of classmates over to watch it- a chance to relax and hang out away from school!
That's pretty much it for the moment- off to relax and do nothing for the rest of the evening as a reward for two weeks of constant studying :-)

11 September 2006

Vet school owns me

Just as my wonderful professors predicted, you do tend to drop off the face of the Earth now and then. This past weekend, Physiology consumed my life. We had our very first vet school exam this morning, and it went okay! I'm cutting myself a little slack because a) definitely not in school mode yet b) I knew next to nothing about Physiology until now and c) this professor's notes/lectures are terribly confusing! So all in all, I'm happy with the grade I got!

Other things to catch up on- Anatomy has become slightly more interesting. Two weeks ago we signed up for large animal specimens in lab. Being a class full of horse crazy girls, we all scrambled to sign up for a horse. Haha, joke was on us! My new lab group- Katie (my roommate), Megan, and Patrick, ended up with a fat little pony. The four equine specimens were evidently Hackney ponies that had grown so mean that their owner "donated" them to the vet school because he could no longer handle them. Not only were they badly embalmed, but they had about an inch of subQ fat covering the entire trunk. So while the people working on goats and calves spent 15 minutes cleaning their specimen, we spent two lab periods. Gross. We named our pony Star Jones, for obvious reasons.

Tahlia and I spent a fair bit of time exploring this past week/weekend. Her spay incision from four weeks go (!!!) became infected, so after a visit to Dr. Debby and a hefty dose of Clavamox, we decided to avoid the dog park/Duck Pond for awhile. Instead we discovered Heritage Park, a 169 acre park owned by the Town of Blacksburg. It's so serene and not very many people know of it, so it's the perfect place to go and relax and walk through the wildflowers and the fields. Definitely one of our new favorite places!

Okay I think that's about it for now. We have our first anatomy test coming up next Monday- going to require a lot of preparation for that one, so don't be too surprised if I fall into the abyss again!

Hope you all are doing well!