17 December 2006

Semester 1 is DONE!

Phew. What a ride. I am very proud and happy to say that semester one is finished! It has been the biggest journey, possibly only second to my time in Australia.
Let's recap:
- 9 classes:
  • Ethology
  • Professional Foundations
  • Anatomy
  • Biochemistry
  • Physiology
  • Immunology
  • Large Animal Husbandry
  • Histology
  • Embryology

- amazing lab partners!
- fabulous new friends
- not nearly enough sleeping or having fun, although we managed to squeeze it in when we can!

I learned not only about the foundations of veterinary medicine, but also a lot about myself and my other 89 classmates. It's amazing the different personalities we all have and the progress we've made in working together as a cohesive group. Even my arch nemesis has slowly started to gain my respect :) Our class had some drama, both inane and tragic, but we all managed to survive to the end! So, semester one is done. The grades all turned out great, even better than I expected in certain classes such as Biochemistry "*coughcough* . Now it's time to go home, rest for a few weeks and come back ready for Semester 2 and a whole new set of challenges. And despite the long hours of class and studying, the insane amounts of information to learn, and the huge quantity of stress- I love (almost) every second of it!